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ES6 and ES7 Support

node v4.9.1
version: 2.0.0
ECMAScript 6 (also known as ES2015) Support: Arrow Functions: https://tonicdev.com/tonic/es6-arrow-functions Destructuring: https://tonicdev.com/tonic/es6-destructuring Enhanced object literals: https://tonicdev.com/tonic/es6-enhanced-object-literals Default, Rest, and Spread: https://tonicdev.com/tonic/es6-default-rest-and-spread Map, Set, WeakMap, WeakSet: https://tonicdev.com/tonic/es6-maps-weakmaps-sets-and-weaksets Promises: (description coming soon) Binary and octal literals: https://tonicdev.com/tonic/es6-binary-and-octal-literals Symbols: https://tonicdev.com/tonic/es6-symbols Generators and Iterators: https://tonicdev.com/tonic/es6-iterators-and-generators Template Strings: https://tonicdev.com/tonic/es6-template-strings ECMAScript 7 Support: Asynchronous Functions: https://tonicdev.com/tonic/es7-async-functions Extra Support: JSX and React: https://tonicdev.com/tonic/jsx-in-tonic


  • posted 7 years ago by kiwl21
  • posted 7 years ago by kiwl21
    Translate google
  • posted 7 years ago by awwmyturn7803
    Helping others
  • posted 7 years ago by 123456123456aa
  • posted 7 years ago by juniorelrey1292
  • posted 7 years ago by akhond
    want now $,.-=-/."20///27
  • posted 7 years ago by 5a6656e5de4701001283e9d7
    Slotomania coins?
  • posted 7 years ago by illijah
    Love the fun than fund the love
  • posted 6 years ago by dirtboss194
  • posted 6 years ago by dirtboss194
  • posted 6 years ago by luvsweet21
  • posted 6 years ago by suil3file
  • posted 6 years ago by 5b22a0de85fb2d00128df214
    Nesesito mucha alluda haker en mich salvador escalante
  • posted 6 years ago by quangthong81
    Test wallet
  • posted 6 years ago by tamu18115
  • posted 6 years ago by quangthong81
  • posted 6 years ago by 5ba766e77094d40011325708
    Assasins creed origins season pass code for ps4
  • posted 6 years ago by propietario
  • posted 6 years ago by propietario
  • posted 6 years ago by leenguyen
    Vi yeu ma den
  • posted 6 years ago by leenguyen
  • posted 6 years ago by polrkov
    Add TypeScript support
  • posted 6 years ago by ultrigeon
    Yeah, TypeScript would be neat
  • posted 6 years ago by aaaaazzz
  • posted 5 years ago by jagkillna
    Auto run??
  • posted 5 years ago by elohimsupremes
  • posted 5 years ago by hady
  • posted 5 years ago by munyola
    Auto programmer schedule🎆
  • posted 5 years ago by bastibense
    beef stick
  • posted 5 years ago by 5d5d647b2ddea900148b41fe
    Premium en professionnel gratuite, est-ce possible ?
  • posted 5 years ago by zzyzx96
    help me i am in hell
  • posted 5 years ago by miapipiyah
    as am i for have i been a long time lol
  • posted 5 years ago by javadnew5
    خوبه فکرکنوم
  • posted 4 years ago by adlemi1323
    Si no medan robux los denuncio
  • posted 4 years ago by manju7
    Help to publish
  • posted 4 years ago by 5e9cc003debef1001a5391de
  • posted 4 years ago by syaifudin857
  • posted 4 years ago by erieza09za08
    F g g f h خ ب ٨
  • posted 4 years ago by iexa
    Please add nullish coalescing (??) and optional chaining (?.) operators (es2020) these are very handy
  • posted 4 years ago by supotsangart
  • posted 4 years ago by jenn334
  • posted 4 years ago by wa1155
  • posted 4 years ago by nirvananimbusa
    Does anybody care?
  • posted 4 years ago by mk451559
  • posted 4 years ago by mannyfresh520
    Yeahhh boyeee!🙏
  • posted 4 years ago by lawi
    Pretty new here .whats the new fun
  • posted 4 years ago by tootee44
  • posted 4 years ago by buttowisk
  • posted 4 years ago by wiese
  • posted 4 years ago by ljackson
    😉 it took me time but im here
  • posted 4 years ago by m3ri69
  • posted 4 years ago by m3ri69
    ECMAScript 6 (also known as ES2015) Support: Arrow Functions: https://tonicdev.com/tonic/es6-arrow-functions Destructuring: https://tonicdev.com/tonic/es6-destructuring Enhanced object literals: https://tonicdev.com/tonic/es6-enhanced-object-literals Default, Rest, and Spread: https://tonicdev.com/tonic/es6-default-rest-and-spread Map, Set, WeakMap, WeakSet: https://tonicdev.com/tonic/es6-maps-weakmaps-sets-and-weaksets Promises: (description coming soon) Binary and octal literals: https://tonicdev.com/tonic/es6-binary-and-octal-literals Symbols: https://tonicdev.com/tonic/es6-symbols Generators and Iterators: https://tonicdev.com/tonic/es6-iterators-and-generators Template Strings: https://tonicdev.com/tonic/es6-template-strings ECMAScript 7 Support: Asynchronous Functions: https://tonicdev.com/tonic/es7-async-functions Extra Support: JSX and React: https://tonicdev.com/tonic/jsx-in-tonic
  • posted 4 years ago by leumasme
    These comments are cursed
  • posted 4 years ago by kadirselcuk
  • posted 4 years ago by averagehelper
    +1 for nullish coalescing and optional chaining operators
  • posted 3 years ago by 606f8682a3f1ed001a46fb48
  • posted 3 years ago by 608c055105716c00195651a1
    چرا انقد همه چی رو پیچیده میکنید اقا این رو میخوای بله نه تمام
  • posted 3 years ago by clive12345
  • posted 3 years ago by amazonty
  • posted 3 years ago by splurge69
  • posted 3 years ago by goeb36
  • posted 3 years ago by komodroid
  • posted 3 years ago by sky888
  • posted 3 years ago by allunderone
  • posted 3 years ago by kensonleung
  • posted 3 years ago by metab
  • posted 3 years ago by jofus
    Can i get permission to get api on dev
  • posted 3 years ago by quenly
    Id bank
  • posted 3 years ago by yaliang
  • posted 3 years ago by blade272008
    Es6 doc
  • posted 3 years ago by katana
  • posted 3 years ago by nasiruddin
    Polee online fashion marketing by24/7 best small bisness ecommarce 22022 with Polleee team organige by green tree service world green food green world tree service cleen world l ooking for long life working jeurny advaisor confarence world media
  • posted 2 years ago by emily0613
    sudo mkdir -p apisix sudo yum install -y https://repos.apiseven.com/packages/centos/apache-apisix-repo-1.0-1.noarch.rpm sudo yum clean all && yum makecache sudo yum install -y --downloadonly --downloaddir=./apisix apisix
  • posted 2 years ago by lala69
  • posted 2 years ago by andres001
  • posted 2 years ago by ahmedbadr20
    مين من مصر
  • posted 2 years ago by adilishaq
    Hello World
  • posted 2 years ago by sirjosh1987
    Hello Wordwide
  • posted 2 years ago by yousifrunkit
    Hello World
  • posted 2 years ago by kiemtienonline
  • posted 2 years ago by jurbinm
  • posted 2 years ago by mevah
    Hello world
  • posted 2 years ago by suzan1983
    Hello 👋 to all friends out there, i cherish you.
  • posted 2 years ago by suzan1983
    People of God be blessed
  • posted 2 years ago by imran20
  • posted 2 years ago by spartacus2690
  • posted 2 years ago by yousifrunkit
  • posted 2 years ago by ynotcleta
    Tom or Tod is how old? 21?
  • posted 2 years ago by 639488b9058c3a0008277999
  • posted 2 years ago by n1kk
    being able to use `import` and es modules would be nice
  • posted 2 years ago by kolleksioner
    All hackers came here : https://t.me/+x5-KgdCCfcsxYjIy
  • posted 2 years ago by 63cc5d2cf041600008afc33d
  • posted 2 years ago by shiya
  • posted 2 years ago by 63d6357319b700000837e27b
    I don’t no how tha last mf done it , but me I will TRY n do it lil different something that ain’t gonna put us n both wrecks .. one deep but I fucks wit ya..
  • posted 2 years ago by 63d6357319b700000837e27b
    Lot of shit I no nothing about , n lots stuff I no lil bout… praying like a mf ..
  • posted 2 years ago by nicole100k
  • posted 2 years ago by nicole100k
  • posted 2 years ago by nicole100k
  • posted 2 years ago by nicole100k
  • posted 2 years ago by jonapaniagua
  • posted 2 years ago by twan
  • posted 2 years ago by romeo86442
    Thx gee
  • posted 2 years ago by 641453f49da3c10008222734
  • posted a year ago by honeyqueen
  • posted a year ago by ninot
    Ok yes
  • posted a year ago by quesairiyaacob
    <!-- Hotjar Tracking Code for --> <script> (function(h,o,t,j,a,r){ h.hj=h.hj||function(){(h.hj.q=h.hj.q||[]).push(arguments)}; h._hjSettings={hjid:3424020,hjsv:6}; a=o.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]; r=o.createElement('script');r.async=1; r.src=t+h._hjSettings.hjid+j+h._hjSettings.hjsv; a.appendChild(r); })(window,document,'https://static.hotjar.com/c/hotjar-','.js?sv='); </script>
  • posted a year ago by 644097ed9b80c100091ffd45
  • posted a year ago by 644e569f98bf7f0008e03148
    رهنمایی بفرماییدباتشکر
  • posted a year ago by 644e569f98bf7f0008e03148
    ازکجا وچگونه راهنمایی بفرمایی در
  • posted a year ago by 6473519fc0a4050008c8cf99
    کیف پول
  • posted a year ago by lianbushehr
    سلام ادمین عزیز من موجودیم رو روی ترس ولتم بوده که حک شده الان چطور یوزرم رو چنچ کنم و اصلا توی ترس ولتم هیچ کدوم از جمله پنکیک سواب و پوکوین و کلی کار نمیکنه اصلا کانک نمیشه چیکار کنم ممنون میشم راهنمایی کنید
  • posted a year ago by phearun2174
  • posted a year ago by ja59fe
  • posted a year ago by ja59fe
  • posted a year ago by ja59fe
  • posted a year ago by siahaan
    Vivo Y01A enabled android 14 Google pixel 6GB & 128GB
  • posted a year ago by 64c7ea8ba8ba180008a69b56
    الايام الجميله لاتنسي
  • posted a year ago by hammakeez88
  • posted a year ago by nikola-1085
  • posted 10 months ago by 654acb02d2d73e0008062867
  • posted 10 months ago by jonise
    Dayna www. toutemonannee.com
  • posted 10 months ago by kolumn
  • posted 9 months ago by tnyar5
  • posted 9 months ago by tnyar5
  • posted 9 months ago by alex-camman
    Tom Ford @target_email fiverr
  • posted 8 months ago by sintayew4
  • posted 7 months ago by fariborz2
  • posted 6 months ago by kissmypixel
    Hi there
  • posted 6 months ago by 660b8eb0cc3f44000864e14d
  • posted 4 months ago by tozzi99
    I don't really understand this whole thing her
  • posted 4 months ago by abubkrgamal
    The goal of this site is to reproduce and merge documents securely
  • posted 4 months ago by uke
  • posted 3 months ago by ns9385881
    Fantactic the docoment.
  • posted 3 months ago by wwwadamuabdullahi23
    The goal of this site to merge documents
  • posted 2 months ago by alonewolf81
  • posted 2 months ago by 396abf98bfbf9e0278c0ff5763ab8d98
  • posted 2 months ago by 396abf98bfbf9e0278c0ff5763ab8d98
  • posted 2 months ago by 396abf98bfbf9e0278c0ff5763ab8d98
  • posted 2 months ago by 396abf98bfbf9e0278c0ff5763ab8d98
    1-1; waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
  • posted 2 months ago by 396abf98bfbf9e0278c0ff5763ab8d98
    1-1); waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
  • posted 2 months ago by 396abf98bfbf9e0278c0ff5763ab8d98
    1-1 waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
  • posted 2 months ago by 396abf98bfbf9e0278c0ff5763ab8d98
    13ssJZxXP'; waitfor delay '0:0:15' --
  • posted 2 months ago by 396abf98bfbf9e0278c0ff5763ab8d98
    1-1 OR 423=(SELECT 423 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
  • posted 2 months ago by 396abf98bfbf9e0278c0ff5763ab8d98
    1-1) OR 642=(SELECT 642 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
  • posted 2 months ago by 396abf98bfbf9e0278c0ff5763ab8d98
    1-1)) OR 556=(SELECT 556 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
  • posted 2 months ago by 396abf98bfbf9e0278c0ff5763ab8d98
    1dhlTEyJu' OR 12=(SELECT 12 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
  • posted 2 months ago by 396abf98bfbf9e0278c0ff5763ab8d98
    10tDD8k2O') OR 609=(SELECT 609 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
  • posted 2 months ago by 396abf98bfbf9e0278c0ff5763ab8d98
    163nId9AX')) OR 590=(SELECT 590 FROM PG_SLEEP(15))--
  • posted 2 months ago by 396abf98bfbf9e0278c0ff5763ab8d98
  • posted 2 months ago by 396abf98bfbf9e0278c0ff5763ab8d98
  • posted 2 months ago by 396abf98bfbf9e0278c0ff5763ab8d98
  • posted 2 months ago by 396abf98bfbf9e0278c0ff5763ab8d98
  • posted 2 months ago by 396abf98bfbf9e0278c0ff5763ab8d98
  • posted 2 months ago by olvin
  • posted 2 months ago by olvin
  • posted 14 days ago by 66cbd0c2c11d5a00082e3f1e

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